Our Leader

The Church does not belong to us, but to Jesus Christ. He is the leader of the Church (Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 5:4). For this reason, it’s our desire to follow him and obey everything he teaches us in his Word.

Our Minister

Our minister spends most of his time during the week studying God’s Word and preparing sermons for God’s people to hear on Sundays. During the worship service he leads the congregation in prayer and administers the sacraments. He also instructs the youth of the congregation and others about God and his Word. Finally, he visits members of the congregation to comfort, encourage, and admonish them with the Word of God.

Our Elders

Together with our minister, the elders supervise the doctrine and life of the church members and visit members in the congregation. They also make sure that all things done in the congregation are done decently and in good order. Finally, the elders assist our minister by giving him good counsel and ensure that his life and doctrine is faithful to God’s Word.

 Our Deacons

Our deacons encourage the congregation to show hospitality, generosity, and mercy to fellow believers, but also those outside the church. They also visit and comfort members in the congregation who live under the pressure of sickness, loneliness, and poverty.