“When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country. For God said, ‘If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.'”

~ Exodus 13:17 ~


A wild wilderness adventure ‒ maybe that sounds like a fun thing to do with a couple friends, with all the necessary supplies and the right vehicle to tackle the terrain. But a wilderness adventure was the last thing the Israelites wanted after being rescued from their slavery in Egypt. They just wanted to go home, to the Promised Land. God had other plans.

The shortest route from Egypt to the Promised Land was straight east along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. With good travel conditions, it would take about two weeks to arrive in the Promised Land. God doesn’t lead them this way. Though it was shorter, this road would take them straight into Philistine country. This was part of the Promised Land, but the Philistine’s were one tough bunch. They were skilled warriors. They weren’t going to just fall over and play dead if the Israelites showed up on their doorstep. They would send out their Goliaths and fight to the bitter end.

The Israelites were no match for the Philistines. They could make bricks without straw, but they didn’t know how to swing a sword, let alone fight a battle! The Lord God knew this better than anyone. This is clear in the reason God gives for this detour in Exodus 13:17, “For God said, ‘If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.'” God knew that if he took his people on the shortest route, they would have to face war with the Philistine giants, and, in all likelihood, high tail it back to Egypt. Back to Egypt ‒ that’s the last thing the Lord wanted for his redeemed people: to run headlong back to Egypt and be enslaved, oppressed, and mistreated all over again!

The same is true for those whom God has redeemed with the precious blood of Jesus from slavery to enemies far worse than the ruthless Egyptians. The last thing the Lord wants for his redeemed people is to run headlong back into the country of sin, the arms of the devil, and the hopelessness of death. That can happen if God’s redeemed people take short cuts in their devotion and walk with the Lord and refuse to follow his lead. It might seem like the easiest route, but we must have the eyes of faith to see that if we persist in taking short cuts, we just might end up high tailing it back to Egypt.

Be careful. Don’t take short cuts as you serve the Lord. Take the long way home through true repentance and faith in Jesus Christ who is “the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). The Lord Jesus will guide you on the long narrow path that leads to true happiness, joy, and life. His Spirit will steer us clear from enemies who seek to make us slaves of wickedness and evil, who try to steal our joy in Christ, and who rob us of the gift of eternal life. Follow the only way. Follow the Lord Jesus ‒ even if it’s the long way home, even if it means going on a wild wilderness adventure. Trust him. He knows the way. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!